Sea of Calmness

frog floating on leaf

I sometimes find interesting or out of the ordinary details in nature when I expect them the least. It’s the case with this photo of a small frog floating on a leaf in a pond. I was searching for new ways of getting further up a valley, didn’t have too much success so I decided to sit down and catch my breath for a couple of minutes, near a pond in the forest. I noticed that a little frog was doing the same thing resting on a fallen leaf, so I grabbed my tele lens and took a couple of photos.

I like this image, to me it evokes some kind of calmness, tranquility. This little guy is in the middle of the pond, yet floats around calm like nothing else exists. Sometimes when I’m stressed this image comes to my mind. Gotta keep calm, or the leaf might overturn. Great advice learned from nature, like so many other useful things.

I even have a print of this photo, and it works as a reminder to keep calm. If you like it enough to want to hang it on your wall, you can get it here

sea of calmness


Summer rain

Summer rain in evening
Summer rain in sunset light

I’ve seen the setting sun shining trough the rain this evening, and I remembered about this photo. Sometimes the most interesting moments and unplanned. I was returning after a journey I made to photograph a cave (more on cave photography in the future I hope), and the day didn’t turn so well. It started raining, I had a long drive and the rain was just pouring down and it was really tiring to keep driving.

I decided to pull over to rest and see the landscape. I got off from the car and only took a few steps and the sun started shining trough the clouds and back-lighting the rain drops. I ran around like crazy trying to find something nice to highlight this beautiful phenomenon and found a tree on the meadow.

I had my 90mm lens with me, and it prove to be enough to frame this shot. I used a wide aperture (f2.8) to be able to have a fast shutter speed (1/200) to “freeze” the raindrops. Seeing them backlit by the sun always seems special to me even when I am just observing and I don’t have my camera with me, so I am really glad that I got this shot. It really seems magical to me.